Multi Join

Combine two or more tables based on common field

Multi Join allows for the combination of N tables into a single table, based on a series of common columns.

Input / Output


Table[s] to join - any table

A single table with merged data from all of the input tables.


To configure the tool, you will need to select the joining columns for each pair of tables you want to join. For each join you must select a table and column on the left side that will be joined with a table and column on the right side. You will need to define N-1 joins to join N tables together.

Additional Options


Inner Join

If checked, only rows that join from all inputs will result (i.e. an inner join). If unchecked, all rows will result (ie. an outer join).

Tip: use the Multi Join tool instead of chaining several Join steps together.

Example #1

Let's say we have three tables Orders, Shipments, and Customers, and our goal is to create a single unified table of all orders, corresponding shipments, and have each order enriched with customer information. You would need to perform two joins:

  • Orders.OrderID <-> Shipments.OrderID

  • Orders.CustomerID <-> Customers.CustomerID

If you wish to include all orders that have not yet been shipped, you would need to uncheck the Inner Join config option.

Example #2

Say for example you have three tables OnlineCustomers, StoreVisitors, and Demographics, and all three need to be joined together on the same email field. You simply need to define two joins:

  • OnlineCustomers.Email <-> StoreVisitors.Email

  • StoreVisitors.Email <-> Demographics.Email

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