Setting Up

The Workflow Tool Bar

At the top of the canvas sits the workflow tool bar, enabling users to set specific settings for their opened workflow.

Workflow Name

At the top of every workflow is the workflow’s location and name. To edit the workflow name, click anywhere on the name itself, or select the pencil (✎) icon to display the text cursor.

Workflow Options

The meatball menu located adjacent to the workflow name presents a range of workflow options, including duplicating, relocating to another workspace, and deleting the workflow.

Duplicate Workflow

When you duplicate a workflow, Cascade will copy the canvas, Data App and all configurations to a new workflow, adding the value “(copy)” to its name. This new workflow will open in a pop-up window, provided your browser's pop-up blocker is switched off. If not, you'll still find the duplicated workflow in the same location as the original, but with “(copy)” added to the name.

By default, the duplicated workflow is saved in Draft mode.

Move to Workspace

Users can conveniently move workflows to any workspace they are assigned either Editor or Owner access to.

When a workflow is relocated to a new workspace, all associated integrations and Data Locker files must be included and configured in the workspace’s Integrations and Data Locker.

Moreover, when a workflow is moved, all dynamic workflows incorporated in the workflow must also be relocated to the workspace in order for the workflow to properly reference the dynamic workflows.

Finally, after a workflow is successfully transferred to another workspace and the Integrations and Data Locker are appropriately configured, the import tools integrated in the workflow must be remapped to the pertinent integrations and data locker files within the workspace.

Delete Workflow

It is important to exercise caution before pressing the delete button, as a workflow cannot be recovered once it has been deleted. Make sure that the workflow is no longer necessary and that all crucial information has been saved beforehand.

Canvas and Data App

The Canvas and Data App toggle provides an easy way to switch between the two applications.

Run Logs and Settings

At the top right corner of the canvas, users can switch workflows from Live to Draft and back using the Live/Draft toggle and confirm their connection to Cascade servers. The Undo and Redo buttons can be used to easily revert changes made to a workflow. Data is imported and processed through tools by using the Run button, which can be set to either Auto Run or Manual Run. The Run Logs view provides an overview of the Run history of the workflow and is useful for tracking activity and errors.


Users can switch their workflow from Draft to Live with the Live/Draft toggle. This action will create a new version in the Run Logs view.


Confirming your connection to Cascade servers is straightforward when your workflow is active. Plus, you can gain insight into who else is accessing the same workflow.

Redo and Undo

You may find yourself needing to revert any changes that you have made on your Cascade workflow. To do this, simply look for the undo and redo buttons located at the top right corner of the Cascade interface. This can help you quickly and easily return the workflow to its previous state.

Run Button

Data is imported and processed through tools only when a workflow is run. When a workflow is run, the workflow sequentially carries out the tools on the canvas.

A workflow process can be triggered in one of two ways: (1) automatically when new tools are added to the canvas and when tool configurations change; and (2) manually, by the user selecting the “Run” button. Utilize the radio button in the Run button’s dropdown menu to toggle between Auto Run and Manual Run.

By default, workflows are programmed to Auto Run. However, when working with larger workflows and sizable datasets a user might consider switching the configuration to Manual Run to significantly reduce auto-execution time during development and increase the efficiency of the workflow.

Run Logs

The Cascade interface features a Run Logs view at the top right corner, granting an overview of the Run history of the current workflow. This view provides a convenient way to keep track of the workflow's activity, allowing for a more accurate analysis of previous executions and errors.


Within the "Settings" tab, you can Schedule your workflows and adjust any suitable Webhook Listeners. This will help you organize and optimize your operations, ensuring workflows are running smoothly and timely. Additionally, these Webhook Listeners can be tailored to meet your specific needs, granting you the control to personalize the workflow process.

Last updated