

Each tool located in the tool menu performs a distinctive step in your data logic. These steps resemble those undertaken to ready and cleanse data. The tools available all aid in expediting the process, simplifying the workload and ensuring the information is accurately and efficiently organized. They include a range of functions, such as data extraction and transformation, as well as validation and formatting. All of which are essential for ensuring the data is in an ideal condition for analysis and visualization.

Tools are made up of input nodes, output nodes and a customizable name. They take the data flowing into the input nodes and apply their own logic to it, the result of which is sent out of the output nodes. It's a neat little package that allows us to make changes to the data we feed it quickly and easily.


A workflow is executed from left to right and connections between two tools signify the passage of data through the workflow, tool by tool.

Connecting Tools

If there isn't any connection between two tools on the canvas, simply click the output node of the previous tool and drag your mouse to the input node of the desired next tool.

Input Nodes

The number of connections you can make to a tool is restricted to how many input nodes it has. For instance, the Filter tool has one input node, so you can only make one connection.

Triangle Nodes

Tools with a triangle input node, like the Append tool, can accept multiple connections.

Output Nodes

There's no limit to the amount of connections you can make from a tool's output node.

Changing Connections

Cascade allows users to easily change the connection between tools by clicking the output node of one tool and dragging it to the input node of another.


Deleting a tool or connection can be done in two ways. Right-click the item and select either “Delete Tool” or “Delete Connection”; or select the tool or connection and press the delete key on your keyboard. Either method will remove the tool or connection from your workflow.


The toolbar that appears above a tool when you select is your gateway to a range of powerful actions. Duplicate the tool, lock the output of the tool or even initiate the workflow from the tool. Take advantage of these options to customize and optimize your workflows and get the most from the tools on your canvas.


Duplicate action enables you to replicate the currently selected tool and create a copy with the same input connections. The newly pasted tool will appear next to the duplicated tool with the label 'copy' added to the end of its name.

Lock Output

Cascade's locking feature allows you to cache the results of the most recent workflow execution when the tool is locked. Up to the point of locking, preceding tools will process as usual, but any subsequent tools in the workflow will maintain the output from the locked tool.

It is important to note the tool must be unlocked in order to ensure the most up-to-date results.

Run from Here

Users are able to run a workflow from a particular place using the 'Run from Here' action. When selected, the workflow is executed from that point onward, bypassing the need to refresh preceding tools. This action can be used at any stage of development, though it is usually used when the run mode is set to manual.

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